Thursday, February 15, 2007

Another day of fun!

We're still learning the ins and outs of Blogging, but I figured it would be fun to post yesterdays workout for everyone:


Double Unders x30

KB Lunges x30

Burpees x30

KB Snatch x 30

Repeat 3x for time. The best times were around 22-23 minutes.

Here are some suggestions and explanations:

Double Unders using the jump rope means you jump high enough to get the rope to pass under your feet twice before you land. If you can't do double unders, you simply jump 60 time instead of the listed 30 times.

KB Lunges are done with the Kettlebells either held in the Rack position or hanging straight down at your sides. If you're too whooped, just perform bodyweight lunges.

We all know and hate Burpees! If you can't do them, take the pushup portion out of the exercise and do Squat Thrusts instead.

KB Snatches are done last, so be careful about your form. The more advanced folks can do a double KB snatch, but feel free to do your reps with one hand and then switch to the other. If you're not familiar with the snatch, or your technique isn't up to par, switch to KB Swings.

Make sure you record your times!

Train hard,


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