Friday, February 16, 2007

Today's workout and then some....

My oldest son, Kahea, cranks out some distance on the Versaclimber!

Today's workout is called "Poi" (it's a local dish) and it really worked everyone for a great way to finish off a week of solid training!


Versaclimber 100 feet
KB Thrusters x 20
Tire Jumps x 20
Pullups x 20
Double Unders x 20

Repeat 3-5 times depending on your ability.

Some of the modifications were: Less distance on the Versaclimber, drop some weight on the thrusters, step ups instead of jumps on the tire, using one of our Woody Bands to help with the pullups, and single skips with the rope instead of double unders.

We kept time and Joe finished first with 23 minutes.

Keep training hard!


The final stages of today's PT!

1 comment:

Tom Furman said...

Nice to see you in blogdom Scrapper. Shoot me an email. I have a gift for you!
