Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today's workout...

Today's workout was deceptively brutal and involved lots of "indoor" work with some outdoor stuff thrown in for good measure:

The "F" Word

KB Thrusters

KB Cleans (or you could do the KB Complex from Monday's workout instead of thrusters and cleans)

Tire Jumps




Parking Lot Sprints

Reps: 21, 15, 9 (except for the sprints, which were "down and back is one rep" with 20 seconds recovery between the second sprint...two sprints each round)

The times for today's group:

Joe: 25:05

Hoku: 27:43

Sean: 32:02

Pete: 32:15

Tommy: 33:42

Kahea: 34:47

Margeret (how the hell do you spell that?): 39:08

Excellent job by everyone!

Train hard,


Monday, March 12, 2007

Dirty Sanchez

After today's workout, the Gang curses my existence...

It was a good day at the gym today. The morning class (which is quickly becoming the flagship for the gym) is almost near full capacity and we had to break the class up into 2 groups for today's workout:

Dirty Sanchez
Parking Lot Sprints x 10

KB Thrusters x 50

Pull-ups x 30

Wall Ball x 30

Sprints: The sprints were done, obviously, out in the parking lot and each interval was started on the 30 second mark (group 1 started the clock, and group 2 ran 15 seconds after). As in most of the workouts, the faster you run/sprint, the more time you get to rest. Take your time on the runs, and you'll find that the next sprint is going to start right as you finish (the clock isn't your friend).

Thrusters: The class ability levels are pretty varied, so some people did a basic shoulder press, some folks did a full thruster, and the stronger guys did what we call the KB Complex. The Complex is a Swing, immediately into a full Snatch, right into a full Thruster. This is one of those things, like Bootstrappers, that encourages the most cursing of my existence.

Pull-ups: Pretty self-explanatory. Make sure you check past blogs for ways to increase your reps on this!

Wall Ball: Right now, we're limited on the number of medicine balls we have in the gym, but we're working on it. I'm sure the people in class aren't in any big hurry for everyone to have their own medicine ball to work with!

Thanks to everyone who keeps coming out and putting everything they have into it!

Train hard,


Friday, March 9, 2007


Unless you've been living in a cave, or have your head buried in the sand, you know that the movie "300" is opening this weekend. The movie is based on Frank Miller's graphic novel (don't say comic book) adaptation of Steven Pressfield's book "Gates of Fire". Frank Miller also wrote the graphic novels which inspired Sin City, in case you're wondering. You can check out one of the funniest reviews I've ever read for a movie here (warning, this review contains "adult language"):

Anyway, the actors were training with Gym Jones for this movie and a recent article shared one of their workouts. Here's the article if you're interested:

So, we grabbed the workout from the article, adapted it to what we have in the gym and went at it today:


Pull-ups x 25

1 Leg Deads x 50 (25 each leg)

Burpees x 50

Tire Jumps x 50

KB Atomic Sit-ups x 50

KB Clean and Press x 50

Pull-ups x 50

It was a pretty motivating workout and I hope that when we go see 300 tomorrow, the guys don't have some sort of assassination plot ready for me!

Keep training hard,


Monday, March 5, 2007

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness...

Or D.O.M.S as it's known in the training world and how it's written up our wall of suffering. Today's workout went as follows:


KB Complex

Hanging Knee Raises

Ring Dips


Versaclimber :30

Reps: 20, 15, 10, 5 (Perform 20 reps of each exercise, 30 seconds on the Versaclimber, then start again with 15 reps, etc)

The Kettlebell Complex is what I get the most questions about but it's not really all that complicated. Essentially, it's 3 movements in one repetition: a Swing, immediately into a Snatch, drop the KB's down to your shoulders and perform a Thruster (or Push Press).

If you don't have access to Rings (, you can do push-ups instead. Today, we substituted Dive Bombers for the guys that couldn't do Ring Dips.

All in all it was a pretty solid workout. One of the coaches from came by to try things out and I think we're going to have a cadre of fighters come down to prepare for future events!

Read some of the recent blogs for substitutions on some of the exercises, give it a shot, and let me know how you do!

Train hard,


Friday, March 2, 2007

Gotta Love the Versaclimber!

Ahh, we love to hate the Versaclimber!

Sorry for being MIA this week...there is some kind of nasty flu bug going and it kicked my butt pretty hard for the last 6 days. Blah!

Today's workout was a "fun" one and another great way to finish off the week. Here we go:

Versaclimber Death March

Versaclimber :30 Seconds

KB Thrusters :30 Seconds

Burpees :30 Seconds

The workout is set up in the following manner: First, pick a destination (in feet) to climb on the Versaclimber. That distance is what the group is collectively trying to accomplish. That means the first person gets on the Versaclimber and goes as hard as possible for 30 seconds, while the second person is doing KB Thrusters and the third person is doing Burpees.

At the end of 30 seconds, everyone rotates to the next station and the Burpee guy/girl gets on the Versaclimber and cranks out another 30 seconds. This continues until the total distance is reached!

This is great because if one person dogs it on the Versaclimber, that just means one more set of everything for the whole group. The goal, obviously, is to crank out as much distance as you can for each set on the Versaclimber.

Today's distance was the Moscow Tower (or 1761 feet). It took the gang about 25 minutes to complete. You can obviously select whatever distance you want, but don't go with something TOO high or you'll be there all freakin' day.

"But Fish, I don't have a Versaclimber!"

Easy enough. If you're in the gym, take over one of the treadmills and run a set distance. Switch with your partners until you run the entire course you've laid out. Believe me, running a 5K in 30 second sprint intervals is a lot harder than it sounds.

Good luck and if you have any questions:

Train hard,